Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back to work and school.

We were just off over the weekend and yesterday, but it seems like a long, long time since we've done school. I've got our lists printed and we are just brimming with enthusiasm to get started.

Not really.

Anyway, the field trip to the baseball museum went okay. I was not all that impressed with it, for the price, if you know what I mean. It was just okay. We can say we've done it now. For a long time it's been on a list of local museums we haven't visited, so now we can say we have. The kids all got the miniature baseball bats, and my youngest has hardly put his down. He's invented a game with the little bat and a little foam nerf ball called "mouse ball" for some reason. He and the girl played it quite a bit last night. It's similar to baseball but there's only 1 base. We learned from the Homeschool Physical Education book how to adapt baseball for fewer players was to remove some of the bases and it does work. That way you don't have players stuck on base with no one to bat them in.

The good news around here is our flooring and other home improvement projects are finally getting done. While we were gone to the museum, Dad got some quality at home time in and got some things done. Yay!

Now back to our usual routine.


  1. Do you ever comment on other peoples blogs? I dont see your name around the blogosphere. Here's why I ask. You have such a good blog with some very good homeschooling ideas but hardly anybody knows about you.

    I really think you should go around and comment on lots of homeschooling blogs and get your name out there. You have some good stuff to offer. I found you on a fluke really. I would just love to see your blog more out there.

    Of course maybe you would sooner stay private but I can tell you that you have things tht are very worthwhile going on in your homeschool. I spent some time the other day reading a bunch fo your back posts and they are good. I wish everybody could know you exist!

  2. I do comment on other people's blogs when I can and sometimes I submit a post the Carnival of Homeschooling. Thanks for the wonderful compliments!
