Saturday, December 29, 2007

Weird Week.

The week after Christmas is always different from any other week. We pretty much let the kids do whatever they want, within reason. We haven't had any video game limits this week and they have been playing a LOT of Guitar Hero. I've been trying to catch up on work and get a few things done around the house. I feel kind of ready to get back to routine and kind of not. I haven't got our new, almost perfect lists done (I always think they're going to be so much better!). I've been looking for some kind of log system to keep up with my older son's units/hours of study and so far, haven't found anything yet. I may have to make up my own. We've got a Christmas party to go to today, and I've gotta work before that, so I'd better get busy.

Oh and for anyone who wondered, older son now thinks his foot is not broken and is just bruised, so he didn't get taken to the doctor for that.


  1. Our week has been the same way.Blah!
    However, New years eve is Monday and we will take the tree down. Tues day is New years and the ROSE BOWL game. Illinois has never been before, so we decided to watch them loose! We are having a party (hubby, kids and I) with food and stuff. They are excited.

    It should be a good BLAH breaker and good start to the new year.

    (I have big plans for my new school list and lesson plans---I have done nothing yet though).

  2. All mine do is sleep, eat, play video games and watch ballgames.
    I'm kind of ready to get back to "normal" too.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I can't wait to get back in our rut!
