Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stinky and weird.

That's what my kids have decided I am. I'm weird for wanting to make an inside out german chocolate cake for the party today. (You put part of the icing in the cake mix before you bake it and half on top). I think it sounds really good. I'm stinky for wearing the lotion and body spray my mom-in-law gave me for Christmas. I think it smells wonderful, but they don't like it. Not one bit. Too bad. I'm making the weird cake and I'm wearing the stinky lotion. Ya'll can pass on the other side of the street when you see me coming!


  1. Oh, PLEASE, do tell how the cake turned out. How much do you put in the batter? We love german chocolate cake. Yum!


    new blog http://wickedpickles.weebly.

  2. Well good for you. We have to remember to do things for us sometimes...even when the little ones don't see the point in it. If the nice smell makes you feel good, then you should do it :). As for the cake, I'm sure they won't think you are strange when they are eating it!!!
    Let us know how it turns out!!

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    You've got cake? No way I'm passing on the other side of the street. No matter how bad you smell! LOL

  4. The cake was okay. I put half the icing in it and half on top. I think maybe more icing would make it better. ;-) Couldn't hurt!
