Saturday, December 15, 2007

Our Tree.

With it being 9-ish days until Christmas, I thought I'd share a picture of our tree but the ones I took of the whole tree ended up being blurry, so here's a picture of our tree-topper, a crocheted angel my mom made. The artificial tree we bought this year is pretty but I find it hard to get excited about an artificial tree. I always enjoyed going out to cut down a tree, bringing it home and putting it up. I love the smell of evergreens. We always got a cedar tree when I was a kid. We'd go to my grandma's farm to cut it. Now we actually live on a small part of that same farm and put up an artificial tree. Better for the allergies.

I guess we'll do 5 more days of school? I'm not sure what we're going to do on Monday. We've got a lot of errands to do and I'm not sure if we will manage school in the midst of doing all that. If not, we'll do 4 days and that will be 73 so far this year. If I'm counting the days right, that puts us finishing right at the end of May if we don't take spring break. Not as bad as I thought. I was thinking, that with all these doctor's appointments we've been going to, we were behind, but we're doing okay. The hard part is working up any enthusiasm for our studies this time of year. I'm ready for everyone to open the presents I got them.


  1. I love the angel....can't imagine making something like that!
    We are finished with school for the break :). Monday is also my husband's birthday, and Tuesday is our anniversary. We have a lot going on this week!

  2. Love your great Aunt made me one very similar to that when we got married. Used it for years....but she began to get brittle so I wrapped her up & stashed her away for safe keeping & now we have a star on top.

    And cool is hubby's BD is Thurs. ;-)

  3. Love your great aunt made me an angel very similar to that when we got married. Ove the years she has gotten very brittle, so I wrapped her up & stashed her away for safe keeping. Now we have a star on top. cool is hubby's BD is Thurs.

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    The angel is lovely! :o)
