Friday, December 14, 2007

Explaining homeschooling/Field trips.

I was talking to the social worker today about homeschooling. She doesn't seem to know much about it. We must be her first homeschooling family. I could tell that she was curious about what exactly we do. I explained what we do on a daily basis and showed her one of our lists that we work from. I told her about the curriculum that we use (various ones). I also told her about the field trips we've been on this year and started naming them and realize that there had been an awful lot. I can think of almost 20 this year.

Here's a partial list of field trips we've done since January.
Abraham Lincoln dramatization.
Mad Science.
Museum of Art and Craft.
Hubers Orchard and Winery.
Locust Grove historic home.
fire department.
aquatic centers x 2
Dinosaur World.
alpaca farm.
veterinarian's office.
Louisville Science Center.
City Hall.
Newport Aquarium
A Discovery Museum that I can't think of the name of right now.
The Ohio Renaissance Faire.
Kentucky State Fair.

Most of these we went with the homeschool group and some were just with our family. I'm not sure how many of the family trips we would've gone on if we hadn't been homeschooling. We might have done some of them, but it seems like we do a lot more fun stuff now that we homeschool. We can sometimes get group discounts with the group and go during off season times and that makes us more likely to go.


  1. Wow! We haven't done a lot this year with our group like we usually do. I was telling someone at the Christmas party that I need to plan well as some other people!!! I miss them.

  2. You guys do a lot of cool stuff! Any kid would be lucky to be in your house!!

    Sad how many people are so clueless about homeschooling, isn't it? Glad she sounds accepting and willing to learn!
