Thursday, December 20, 2007

The last 2 days.

Will we get anything done today? It's questionable. Yesterday we didn't get afternoon school done for 2 reasons. First, we had the Awana store and we had to go set everything up for that. And second, my husband and I also had to have our last Christmas meeting where we drag everything out and look at it and check the list twice, so to speak. Turns out, we had bought 1 less present for the girl and we needed to either take one of the boy's gifts back or get her something else and we decided to give her one more small thing. We're never done when we think we are. We aim at 5 presents per child, usually 1 big and 4 small, but as the kids get older their tastes seem to get more expensive. The 15 year old got 2 presents last year, his computer from us and his monitor from Santa. Usually everything on his list is "big" as in expensive.

I'm tired of old Santa, but the youngest still believes, so we're letting him share in the glory for at least this one year. If we get foster babies here, I guess we'll have to deal with him again but I don't want to. He gets the credit for the stockings and half the presents and silly me, I hate to see him look bad so I want him to give good presents and I want good presents to also come from mom and dad ...

Back to school, since this is a homeschool blog. We're trying to decide what to do with our highschooler. As I mentioned on this blog a while back, he says that what we're doing is not working for him. I had him doing these workbooks with the goal of enrolling him in NARS which I still think is a really good program to get an accredited diploma. But, we kinda decided to just do our own thing for high school, teach him what we feel he needs to know and get him ready for college. We may also try to get some of his college credits taken care of through CLEP or online college courses. We may have him get his GED. I'm not sure. We decided this yesterday, but after a night's sleep and visiting the NARS website just now to make the link, I'm starting to feel undecided again.



  1. Would you believe this is the first year that I haven't separated gifts into "Santa" and "Mom & Dad"? Even though they never truly believed in Santa, we always did it that way.

    If your son is planning on college, don't worry about him being an independent homeschooler. As long as he scores well on the ACT or SAT, he will be admitted to KY schools without any problem.

    Also, most of the colleges will give him the option to take their own departmental tests to test out of certain courses.

    If you are interested in knowing more about our college admissions experience, just let me know.

  2. I have the same love/grumble relationship with Santa too (one could never "hate" Santa!). It is great that you son still believes!

    warm holiday hugs!

  3. We didn't have ANY trouble whatsoever either with college & homeschooled child. Last year this time he took the Adult educationl classes to prep him for the GED (he said they were BORING!!). Passed his GED with scores in the top 5% of HS seniors & has made excellent grades so far in our local community college (all As & one B). He's going to take the SATs at the end of January & plans to transfer over to Liberty University next fall.
