Thursday, December 20, 2007

Funny Max.

Last night we came home from the Awana party with some home baked cookies from my friend and co-teacher. They were wonderful, some kind of oatmeal/butterscotch, absolutely out-of-this-world good. We sat down in the living room floor and looked at what the kids had bought in the store. We started playing the card game my son got, called Zeus on the Loose (cute and good for math). We put Max out at the beginning of the card game because he did his stand-with-nose-to-door routine and then we ate cookies and played cards. We each finished a couple of cookies, put the lid on the tin they came in and continued playing cards. Then Max scratched to get in. My daughter got up and let him in and sat back down with us. Max came running in, ran all through the house sniffing and finally sniffed my hand and knew that I'd been eating something that smelled wonderful. He climbed in my lap which he almost never does, then tried repeatedly to shake hands. When this cute behavior got him no cookie, he went over to my son and then my daughter, trying to shake hands. Still no luck. Poor guy. I have no idea whether dogs can eat butterscotch or not and I try to not let him have too much 'people food', but boy, did he want those cookies!


  1. Funny how dogs get to be so nice and sweet when there's food around ;)

  2. It is amazing how well they can smell. Our Ginger is the same way!!!

  3. That is one cute dog, I don't know how you could resist him. :o)
