Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The day after Christmas.

Traditionally at our house we don't make the kids do much of anything on this day. No chores. No going anywhere. They just get to play with their things. Tomorrow, we need to start finding places for those things and getting rid of some of their old toys that they no longer play with. Or, maybe the next day. Sometime soon. I've been feeling very lazy today. I did get up and clean out my bathroom closet, made some chili and did a few odds and ends jobs, but other than that, I have not gotten much done today. I guess after the holiday busy-ness, we need a restful day. We've got one more holiday party this weekend and one on January 6.

Hopefully we'll get some things cleaned and organized some time before we start back to school. I've changed as I've gotten older and for some reason, having a clean, organized home has become more and more important to me. I used to just not care that much, but now I do. Hopefully, I will become a better housekeeper. Or maybe I should just hire one! I really had no idea how much homeschooling would impact housekeeping, from the materials that we have to store to the fact that the kids are home so much. It's worth it and just lately, we're getting better at corraling the mess and using the kids to help do that.


  1. 2 MORE parties to go to? You guys are party animals! Hee hee

    Maybe it is because we do a lot at our houses that we want it to be neat and organized, but I feel the same way. I spent a big chunk of Christmas day cleaning my office.

  2. We are, aren't we? It is actually one party with my parents and brother, one with my husband's parents and brothers, one with the homeschool group and one with my extended family (cousins, uncles, aunts) and one with his extended family. So 5 parties.

  3. We have 2 more parties also. New Year's Eve will be an all-night church youth party. Ask me if I'm looking forward to that one. Not!

    Jan. 5 will be a dinner with all hubby's extended family on his dad's side.
