Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas thoughts.

It was a good Christmas. Right now, I'm blogging while hoping the younger two kids will just, for goodness sakes, go to sleep already. The boy has been up since 4:00 and is alternately very crabby and very silly. The girl has been up since 7:00. I can still hear them talking though. I guess it's hard to calm down. I managed to get a really, really good nap in this afternoon and I feel okay now but it's nearly bedtime and I think I'll be able to go to sleep again without too much trouble. If these kids ever quiet down, that is.

Here are my random thoughts about this Christmas.

1. A Christmas Pet Peeve: I like Christmas songs to be sung very closely to as they are written. I don't enjoy it when the singer changes the timing, the words or the tune, because then I can't sing along. This seems to be rampant in the Christmas songs they play on the radio.

2. Best Moment: The best moment of the season was when my aunt, who is like a second mom to me, said a prayer expressing how thankful she is to be born into this family. I second that.

3. Funny moment: A funny moment was when they were giving out treats at church. They started with the babies and ended up going by age up to 90 year olds. One woman didn't come up and get a treat and her husband (who was helping give them out) said "I know you are 70!" and she said "I am not! I'm 71! I thought it was funny because I thought she was going to say she was younger than she was, Lol. Anyway, it was cute.

4. Christmas Memories: A memorable moment was when we were sharing Chrismas memories and this same man told of his mischevious childhood and how one year he actually did get a bundle of switches! I think my youngest had a moment of fear at that point!

5. Goofiest Thing: The silliest thing we did was this. We have one of those mailboxes that raises a flag when the mailbox is opened by the postman and so we can tell if we have mail at a glance. However, this week, we were complaining about not getting any mail for 4 days and then realized that nobody had actually looked in the mailbox, we were all just looking at that flag and it was malfunctioning. So we had 4 days of mail piled in the box.

6. Best presents: My monster foot slippers. I've always wanted them. Guitar hero 3 for my oldest, roller skates for my daughter and Snap Circuits for the youngest.

7. Cutest: The cutest thing I saw this Christmas was my 15 month old nephew playing pat-a-cake along with the toy puppy we got him (it sings and talks).

8. Best food: Hmmm, that's a tossup between the broccoli casserole and the mashed potatoes.

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