Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Squeezing school into life.

I've had doctor's appointments again this week. i went in for my anemia and then for my back and it just seems like everything's out of whack. My hemoglobin is too low but my cholesterol is too high. Hopefully, I can get things back in whack with better food choices. Middle age so fun. Anyway, we've had or will have somewhere to go all 5 of the school days this week so we're just trying to squeeze in school wherever we can. We've had to be flexible with our times. Yesterday, we were still doing school at 5:30 p.m., but I guess that's just the way it goes sometimes. For American History yesterday we read the book "Follow the Drinking Gourd" and the younger 2 kids made these pictures. I thought they turned out really good. I love notebooking. These are made from construction paper cutouts.


  1. I hear you! I was telling the kids yesterday that sometimes life just happens and gets in the way of school. Those are the times that we just have to do our best and complete what we can.
    I'm hoping to have a good day interruptions and plenty of good work done!!!

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Great notebooking! :o)

    Has the doctor mentioned anything about metabolic syndrome?

  3. That is the joy of homeschooling. You get to make your own schedule and life is school. My favorite part of being a homeschool mom is the flexibility. The responsibility and stress is my least favorite :)
