Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm back, hopefully.

I'm feeling better. We don't have any doctor, dentist or optometrist appointments today and we are going to get some work done! Hopefully. As I mentioned, we've been squeezing school in here and there. Today, maybe we'll get a full day in. If not, we'll just keep plugging right along. I know that the public schools do things some days like cleaning the classroom (right before summer break), watching movies, field days and all kinds of things that aren't strictly educational and count them as school days. I haven't been counting the hours we watch educational TV (Mythbusters IS science) even though I could. I don't count expeditions into the woods as nature hikes, but really, I could. The trips to the post office, bank, grocery, and especially the library, are very educational, but we just count those as part of family life although the kids do learn things from these trips. Public school kids do these things too and they don't count them, so we don't. We only count the days we go on educational field trips with the homeschool group or the days we stay home and 'do school'.

My youngest son right now is waging a campain for us to by a Wii, which would, of course, count as PE!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Yup. He's thinking like a homeschooler. LOL
