Wednesday, August 01, 2007

When to start. When to start.

Last night I went to dinner with a bunch of homeschool moms. We all discussed when we would start school. The public schools in the area are starting tomorrow. One of the families in our homeschool group will be starting at the very end of August and most are starting somewhere in the middle of August. I'm still not sure when we will begin, probably some time next week. I need to get the house a bit more organized. I want to get the sidewalk done. I'm kind of ready to get started, but kind of dreading the whining that will probably happen and hoping I can be more organized this year. (hey, a girl can hope!). I've got all the supplies I need, now I just need to decide when.


  1. If only there was a way to start without the kiddos actually knowing... LOL

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I say, Mama Bear is bright. If you don't want the "let's get started" hassle that some kids do, then start adding one subject at a time. Ease into the routine. That gives them something new to look forward to and gives you time to stay on top of the organization part.

    What topics are you covering and what are you using???

  3. We never really start, and we never really stop. We keep a pretty relaxed pace all year long, but then we are closer to the unschooling spectrum, I suppose. We do get all excited around the end of September and get new books and things, but it's way too nice in September around here to do anything too "schooly". :-)

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I haven't even started getting our curriculum picked out yet!!! I love your picks for High School, Trina is going in 9th grade. I may use some of your ideas!!!

    We are going to start August 20th, but I am not going to do everything at once. I am going to do a subject a week!!

    Thanks for all your thoughts!!
