Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What we're using this year.

I've been trying to figure this out all summer and since Pam in Colorado asked, I'll tell you what I'm going to try to do this year.

For my older son who is in high school, I've got an American History textbook called "Out of Many". We will all do American History together and use this book as a spine. The younger two won't go as much in depth. He will also be studying Algebra 1 from Key Curriculum Press, finishing up the English and Science from Alpha Omega that he should have finished last year and doing a computer class from Christian Light Education. I've purposely ordered from different publishers in the hopes that he will like one of these better than the ones we had last year (Alpha Omega Life Packs).

For my daughter who is in 6th grade, she will be studying American History with us. She will also be doing Sequential Spelling, Spectrum Grammar, Mammoth Math. We will be notebooking and she will be assigned books to read and report on.

For my youngest who is in 4th grade (I cannot believe that!), Sequential Spelling, Spectrum Grammar, Mammoth Math, notebooking and US History. He'll also be working on his reading skills, since they are a little behind.

For the US history unit we will also be using History Scribe, Christian Cottage and Konos, along with the free units I've gotten this year from the Homeschool Estore.
I figure I should use them since I've got them.

Here's a list of the ones I think I'll use this year.
Respected American Women.
Proverbs Copywork.
Weather Folklore.
Birds Lapbook.
Christmas Activity Book.
Labor Day.
Mother's Day.
Pioneer Projects you can build yourself.

I also have downloaded one on the Statue of Liberty but now I can't find it on my computer, which annoys me to no end. If you do decide to go to that wonderful store and download something, please remember to click on "save a copy".

So anyway, that's the plan so far.

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