Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good morning!

I've kind of been absent this week, except for that little bit of whining about my computer. Thanks all for the tips on how to comment. I'll give it some thought. I really miss last week's topics on which to write. I may have to get my own daily topics organised or find myself a list of blogger's writing prompts. ;-)

We are still chugging away on school around here. The little kids and I have been making some amazing notebook pages which I will take pictures of and post on here soon, maybe later today. They're getting a little past the begging me to do school phase that they were in at the beginning, but still doing the work more enthusiastically than the norm so I'm not complaining. The American History textbook that I got for my oldest son is awful. Sometimes you get what you pay for, huh? We are going to have to get rid of that and get another one. The end of chapter questions are completely incomprehensible even to me (and I'm a pretty good reader). It's just awful, so we'll try again with that. Otherwise, everything that we are using is pretty good.

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up on Dewey's Treehouse and it is very good this time. You should definitely browse on over there and take a look.

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