Monday, August 13, 2007


For some reason I can't comment on anyone's blog, not even my own, this week. I've read several blogs over the weekend and wanted to comment but I can't. It will let me type a few words, then it disappears. I read a lot of the other blogs who were particpating in the back to homeschool week thingy and I could comment on some, but then for some reason, I couldn't anymore. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? I just ran virus scans, cache cleanup and a spyware program this morning and it didn't fix it.

Like I said in the title, frustrating.

Anyway, HP I hope you feel better soon and to everyone else, Hi!


  1. It's blogger gremlins. Has to be.

    Feeling a lil better. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    If you are using Internet Explorer, you might try switching to Mozilla Firefox...

    I used to have all kinds of troubles, including things just disappearing. I love my Firefox! I think I have had it a year now, and no problems so far. :)

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Hi FCP--I agree with lawanda--I've had a similar thing happen in the past. Firefox seems to alleviate that concern (smile).
