Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What I'm doing this week.

I'm working and doing the usual stuff around here, chauffering the kids around and also trying to turn myself into a reading tutor. I had an opportunity to speak with a reading tutor at a homeschool book sale a week or so ago and she inspired me (by telling me how much she charges an hour!) to become a reading tutor for my youngest son. He's reading, but not at grade level. I've been doing a lot of research on learning styles and it seems that he is a right-brained, visual learner and so that's how I'm going to approach teaching him. It's funny, because I think I'm the exact opposite style, so I'm having to really think this through. I guess I'll let you know how it goes throughout the year. Now I'm off to find an assessment tool so I can assess his reading on the first day and then test him occasionally to see if he's progressing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Check this site out www.societyforqualityeducation.org/stairway.html - This program is free and I really like it!
