Sunday, July 08, 2007

So that's why!

We're thinking of setting up kind of an expense account for each child. They'll get so much per month in their virtual account and this will be their spending money for activities (not field trips, just extras) and snacks. It seems like everywhere we go they are begging for snacks. We ate lunch at home yesterday, then went to the movies, then wanted popcorn and a coke which costs quite a bit. Theorectically, we'd give them this expense account for snacks and whatever and they'd quit begging and start thinking about managing their money so that they have some left at the end of the month. I'm thinking an added benefit might be that they eat fewer junky snacks. We might even have to include clothing purchases for the older two. The younger one doesn't care what he wears or what he looks like and would probably spend his entire budget on toys.

We were discussing this the other day and the youngest said "But that's why we have parents, so we don't have to buy things ourselves!"

I knew there must be a reason. Hey, you know what? My parents have been slacking for a few years! I might just have to call them!


  1. Have used the "money doesn't grow on trees" lecture yet? It comes with the manual...

  2. Yeah, I've tried that. The kids know to start begging for things when I'm tired or distracted and I say yes too frequently. We gave them a very small budget for this and if they want more, they're going to have to earn it.
