Sunday, July 22, 2007

A summary of my weekend.

Yesterday, I didn't post or anything because I was reading the new Harry Potter book. It pretty much took all day since it was over 700 pages. I thought it was really good and that's all I'll say now because a lot of people are still reading it. Now my oldest son and husband are both taking their turn reading it. After me, because I'm the fastest reader and the most impatient.

Today, I've got to work.


  1. Work? Sigh...

    Did you enjoy the book?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There's no way I could've read that entire book in a day. I'm only on chapter 9 and I started on Saturday. I only devote a little each day to reading though. I'm spending most of my time planning for this coming school year.
