Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mmm, let's see.

What's new here. The two younger kids are attending VBS this week. (for the 3rd time this summer!) The oldest, along with DH, is reading Harry Potter. They're sharing the book. When son goes to sleep, Dad gets the book and starts reading. It's cute. My Dad is reading it too. I've been making a little progress on my things to-do list, not as much as one would hope, though. ;-) I am going to make an agreement with the kids that we don't start school until that cleaning list is completely done, so that I will do it. Last year we started school with the house in chaos and I do not want to do that this year!

I'm getting the few textbooks I've ordered for my oldest, little by little it seems. The algebra books arrived in 2 different shipments and now the history book is coming in 2 shipments. I didn't realize it took 2 textbooks to do the whole of American History but it does. Thankfully, I was able to get them both second hand and very inexpensively.

For some reason I've got the song "Welcome to my crazy life..." running through my head ... no idea why.

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