Friday, July 13, 2007

Nothing much.

There's not that much going on this week. The kids are doing VBS at a friend's church and I've been driving them. We still haven't gotten the sidewalk outside finished. We still haven't got the spring cleaning list done. I have gotten everything ordered for this coming school year, which actually wasn't much, just a couple of things for my oldest. The younger 2 will be using the same materials as last year plus some free things I've downloaded and some things I already own and haven't used yet. Anyway, nothing exciting. If I can find the camera cord, I'll upload some pictures from our mini-trip last week.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Hi FCP--at what age did you start to teach academics to your children? Do they look forward to doing math, science, writing?

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. My kids were in public school at first. We pulled them out in 6th grade, 3rd grade and 1st grade. They look forward to science. They all love science and art. The older 2 love reading, but it frustrates the youngest. They do not look forward to math, although I don't think they hate it either, it's just not their favorite thing.

    If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have sent them to school at all. I would've began with homeschooling. It's easier. It's better. It's more efficient. It's way more fun. I would just let teaching naturally progress until they started showing reading readiness or reached the age of 6 and then started teaching them to read and then progress from there.

    Are you thinking about becoming a homeschooler? Its the best thing we've ever done.
