Sunday, July 15, 2007

My complaint for today.

We went to see Harry Potter today at the theater. I arranged for my youngest 2 kids to stay at my mom's because the Harry Potter movies still scare them. We get there and sit down and these people sit down behind us with 3 kids, ages about 4, 3 and 2 (maybe not even that old). What were they thinking? The kids were rowdy the whole time, they littlest one cried a lot and one time the Dad took him out and was grumbling the whole time, like it was the kids fault. The 3ish kid started kicking my seat very hard, so that my head was bouncing back and forth, at one point and I waited to see if the parents would say something, but no. I finally had to turn around and give the kid my stern look even though it wasn't really his fault that his parents had brought him to this movie which he didn't understand at all and then didn't even try, at all, to keep him entertained. At one point, there was a rope lying on the ground and the 3ish little boy yelled "hey it's a snake, hey it's a snake, hey, its a snake, hey, its a snake (repeat 20 times)" Did anyone say, "no honey, that's a rope and you need to be quieter" Of course not. I was so annoyed. Actually, everyone in the theater was annoyed, you could see the heads turning. The family got up and left about 30 seconds before it was really over, I guess to avoid angry comments? If they can't afford a sitter, maybe they should wait until it comes out on DVD, trade off with some other friends with young kids. Anything. Honestly. I think it's disrespectful to the other people in the theater but also, it's disrespectful of your kids to take them to a move that is totally inappropriate for them and then expect them to sit still. That's not what kids do.

Okay. Done.


  1. Such bad parenting makes me mad too. If they let their kids watch inappropriate movies, what else do they do!

  2. I know. I feel sorry for the kids.
