Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My Tan.

Yesterday I took the kids to a local aquatic center that has a pool and water slide. I didn't feel like swimming or even like suiting up so I wore a pair of pants and a shirt and sat down in a lounge chair to watch the action. I did kick off my shoes to be more comfortable. I ended up getting a slight tan/burn on my feet and the lower section of my shins and on the top of my head, in the part of my hair. It's very interesting. I guess to even it up next time, I'll need to wear a bathing suit, a hat and a pair of crew socks. :-)


  1. Socks and a swim suit. That will be a good look! LOL

    Glad you guys had a good day!!

  2. BWAHAHA! Sorry... Sounds so like me!
