Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Break.

We did something out of character this week. We went on a spur of the moment trip for a couple of days. We didn't go far, only to a nearby city. We stayed in a nice hotel and went to a science center and we were going to go to a lake beach, but with it being the fourth of July, it was too crowded. We had a very low key nice time. The thing, I think, about a vacation is not where you go, but who you go with. We had a lot of family bonding time. No video games. We all watched the same TV and slept in the same room. We went out to eat and talked to each other a ton. We read Hank the Cowdog in the van.

I savor the little things about traveling with the kids; the conversations, the joy they have over things like hotel room keys, elevator buttons and luggage carts. We had the pool completely to ourselves one night and the kids got to show their Dad how far their swimming abilities have increased since last year - a lot. They're like fish now, swimming, doing flips and handstands, jumping in, swimming underwater. It's fun to watch.

Anyway, we had a good time and now it's good to be home.


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Wow, that sounds like fun! There is something about hotels that make kids more fun to be with (although I really do like being with my kids - most of the time). Swimming pools are a main attraction with our kids for sure. Since we do not have tv reception, they think it is wonderful to be able to watch tv, too.

    Glad you had a great time.

  2. It sounds like a nice getaway!

  3. Sounds fun! My dream vacation would be something like this! Not going to Missouri with all the inlaws! LOL

  4. It was fun although we didn't do too much!

    Glad to see you back, Lisa. ;-0
