Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today, part 2.

I did do my list this morning and the kids did their modified summer lists. For summer they're doing personal hygeine (the youngest, especially needs to remember to brush his teeth in the morning), exercise, chore (which rotates daily) and a computer game or CD for something educational. I expected the educational part to take 10-15 minutes, figuring they'd get bored with it quickly. I set up a folder for kids educational games on my favorites file on my computer and let them choose. They chose Funbrain Math Arcade for today's lesson and had a great time with it. The took turns and did math problems for the fun of it for at least 4 hours. How cool is that?


  1. Sounds like things are going swimmingly! LOL

    You forgive me for that, right?

  2. LoL. Of course. ;-)

    Speaking of swimming, we may go to the city pool tonight ...
