Thursday, June 07, 2007


It really seems like summer now because we went to the city pool last night. The kids had a great time. I didn't swim but sat reading one of my favorite books of all time, The Ivy Tree by Mary Stewart. My daughter decided to try, for the first time ever, jumping off the diving board and she actually did it! Twice! I was amazed. All of the kids have become pretty good swimmers. There was a lifeguard in the pool ready to help her out if she couldn't do it, but she did great!

Let's see, what else is going on around here? The summer lists are going well (knock on wood) with no one complaining about them. They've been doing them without being nagged, which is nice. That probably means I didn't give them enough to do, but that's okay. I want them to have a good summer.

We got a new kitten the other day, supposedly to keep our other cat, Xena, company, but of course, they hate each other. I should have known that would happen. The kitten who has been named Sam (called Sammy) has been getting a lot of attention from the kids around here. He's very lovable and cuddly.

Anyway, that's the news from here and now I'd better get to work.


  1. Want another new kitten? Ralph Stanley could come visit you! Hehehe

  2. I'm sure Sammy would love Ralph Stanley! He'd love to have someone around that's his own size!

    Everyone here is bigger than him!
