Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Secret Weapon Update/ Summer Lists.

They all got their work done by about noon and spent all afternoon in the pool. I love that pool. I didn't even have to nag them one time!

I did decide and tell them about their summer lists today. They are very short. I still want it to seem like summer and be relatively free for them. On the lists I put personal hygeine, exercise, 1 chore and 1 school related activity. It doesn't sound like much and to some families it would be a no-brainer, but we seem to need lists. Otherwise, the kids will gravitate to the video games. The chores will rotate to 5 different chores on the 5 different days and the educational things will include art, math games, Starfall, educational DVDs and the geography games from Sheppard Software (which are excellent). I really haven't found any math games and I guess I'll pick up educational DVDs from the library and from Netflix. Anyone got any suggestions? I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Sheppard Software also has math games. And animal games.
