Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pool Update.

The two younger kids stayed in nearly 7 hours*. Dad finally made them get out so he could put the chlorine in. I think they would've been in there at midnight if we had let them stay. It's funny because its not that big of a pool. It's 3 feet deep and 10 feet across, one of those with the inflatable ring at the top. I'm sure the neighbors got tired of hearing "Marco!" "Polo" but the kids were having so much fun, I enjoyed hearing it. Now for the last 3 days of school, I have a secret weapon - "Do your school work and then you can get in the pool". Heh Heh.

*They each did take a bathroom break at some point and I served them a meal on the patio table about halfway through, so they didn't set any world records or anything. There were breaks and nobody peed in the pool. Just setting the record straight. ;-)


  1. How long did they stay shriveled like prunes? ;o)

    LOVE a secret weapon!

    (Nice to see you!)

  2. They were still pruny hours later, LoL.

    Nice to see you too. ;-)
