Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What I am doing today.

I'm reading the carnival of homeschooling , writing out the envelopes for invitations for my Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary, working and helping out the various children who come in my office asking for help with school work. The carnival is very good this time. You should read it. I look forward to Tuesdays for the carnival each week.

I made new lists for myself and the kids this week, adding a few things and taking off others and if I remember, I'll let you know how it works. Youngest has been more cooperative, with me helping him get his work done each day and didn't even need me much today. That's good.

Now, back to reading ...


  1. I am reading back through the archives of the Carnival. I just found out about it not long ago (still kind of new to blogging). So I am working hard at catching up. :)

  2. 50 years? That's so wonderful! :o)

  3. Yes, and they still like each other!

  4. That's even more wonderful! ;o)
