Monday, March 26, 2007


I had a nightmare last night, not really the scary kind, just the weird kind. I had a dream that my friends were getting married and I was in the wedding. (They're getting ready to celebrate their first anniversary, so I'm not sure why I dreamed this, but it gets weirder.) Anyway, they were getting married. They were having a bunch of bridesmaids and I was one. They told us to wear whatever we wanted. In my dream, I couldn't find a dress so I ended up wearing half of one outfit and half of another. It looked horrible and I knew it. Then there was the shoe difficulty, the pantyhose struggles, the hair that kept falling down (picture a princess Lea kind of do!) and to top it off, during all of this getting ready, I forgot the wedding was at 2:00 o'clock and didn't leave the house until 5 till. Then, when I got there, we had to walk a mile uphill to the river where they were getting married. (uphill?) Then, the bride didn't like my ensemble, so I had to go back and borrow a dress from someone else. Then, I finally got a decent dress/shoe combo and walked back a mile UPHILL to be in the wedding but my hair kept falling down. By this time, it was after 3:00 o'clock (in my dream, not really) and everyone was mad at me for being late. As the boat they were going to get married on was getting into position, it knocked me down and I got all muddy. Finally, I woke up, thank goodness! I'm exhausted now. Must be from all that walking in heels and pantyhose! To the river that was up on a hill. Very weird.

A regular old Monday seems like a piece of cake compared to that exhausting dream! I'm making new lists today, so I'd better get busy!


  1. Didn't eat a chili dog before you went to bed did you? Gives me nightmares AND heartburn every time! *Chuckle*

  2. Oh my! Sounds like my odd dreams.. last one I was in high school (been awhile since I've been there) and I developed amnesia as I was walking into a classroom. LOL I woke right up.. glad I remembered who I was. ;)
