Friday, March 09, 2007

The Crazy Light.

We have a motion sensor light by our back door. What this means is that if it senses motion, it will come on, theoretically. It won't just come on if you turn it on. It won't even come on if you turn it on and wave your hand in front of it. Some motions turn it on, but we haven't figured out what they are or how to get it to stay on. So, here's how it goes when we come home after dark. We drive up in the van. The light doesn't come on, even though a rather large Ford Van has just moved in front of it. We get out of the van and start gathering our things, still no light. The outside dog, Lucy, comes running to greet us and jump up. She's kind of hard to see in the dark since she's black, making our trek to the back door even more difficult. We proceed about 3 or 4 steps in the inky blackness, trying not to step on the dog and the light comes on, blinding us. We take a moment to get our eyes used to the light and proceed. (It's only about 12 steps from the van to the house.) Then, after about 3-4 seconds, the light goes off, plunging us back into the darkness, only this time, we have spots before our eyes from the light. Then the light comes on, then off, then on, then off. Finally, one of us makes it to the backdoor, usually oldest son, opens it and the rest of us are able to follow the rectangle of light to find our way in, half blind though we are by this time. New technology is so fun.


  1. This is hilarious! I can totally picture it.
    Our motion sensor light in TX did the same thing. Wouldn't click on until you were actually IN the house already, as if the door slamming behind you was the motion it was waiting for. Grrrr.

  2. *LMBO*... Sorry! :o)
