Sunday, March 11, 2007

Compulsive Door Locking.

The kids have been playing outside a lot of time lately, around 6 hours a day for the last 3 days. They've been getting their school work done early so they can enjoy the warm spring-like weather. We have 12 acres here and they consider the whole area their playground. I grew up in a similar area and enjoyed it very much. Apparently, though, I now have a problem with compulsive door locking. For example, if I open the door to check on them or let the dog out, I lock it without thinking. Consquently, I've been locking the children outside about 3 times a day. I try to tell them not to take it personally ... LoL. I don't realize I've done it again until I hear them knocking. Sorry!


  1. No, they'll know when you've locked them out on purpose! And they'll know what they did to deserve it!

    LOL, glad they've been able to enjoy the weather. It is so great they are home to do that!

  2. I'm a compulsive door locker too! Makes Jack REALLY mad! *LOL*
