Monday, February 19, 2007

Finishing Ocean Unit.

We're finishing the ocean unit today and I've decided that we are going to do a countries and cultures study for the rest of the year. I'm going to also tie it in with an Age of Exploration history unit. We've been gradually working through a study of history and stopped after our middle ages unit back in the fall. After that unit, for some reason, I just couldn't get back on track with Konos. The ocean study that we did and enjoyed very much was from a Christian Cottage Unit study which I downloaded for free from the Homeschool Estore I found it well written and easy to use, so I'm looking at their countries/cultures study. I don't want my kids to be among the 11% of young adults in the United States who can't find the United States on a map. Actually my kids can now, thank goodness, along with most of the major countries of the world. We're going to take some time and study some of the lesser known countries too. I think it's going to be fun. I'm actually getting some of my enthusiasm back, yay!

I was proud of the kids this morning, we played a game to test their knowledge of the ocean unit and this was the coolest part, none of them missed a single question! They weren't all easy questions either. For example, they had to explain what a tide is, what a current is, explain vertebrates and invertebrates, name characteristics of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, name 2 stages in jellyfish development (there are 6!), explain photosynthesis and the difference between zooplankton and photoplankton among other things. Way to go kids!

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