Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another field trip!

We were lucky enough to get to go on another field trip yesterday. We went with our homeschool group to the Louisville Science Center. It's a good hands-on museum and we enjoyed it very much. We got to see an IMAX film on the coral reef, which was very cool and a good end to our ocean study. Now we are going to study explorers and geography. I'm glad to have a direction to go in. I really enjoyed the ocean study and now I'm looking forward to this geography study. I'm going to combine a Konos unit on explorers with a Christian Cottage unit on geography. I think we'll learn a lot. This fall, when we were just doing the basics and no unit study, was no fun at all and I'm glad we've got a plan now.


  1. LOVE a good plan! :o)

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    We love hands on museums. I just hate driving to Denver to get to our closest one.
