Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I decided to make a change in my morning list and add work into it. I decided that I would try and get half my day's work done in the morning before 10:00 and take out some of the housekeeping chores. The plan was to add that housekeeping to Mondays when I'm off work. However, I got a dictation by the world's worst doctor (in the dictation category) and didn't get done until 10:30. The kids and I worked out a deal, though, since I was trying a new thing and didn't do so good, I'd give them a break and let them take 1 thing off their lists and they were nice about it and didn't mention that I'm supposed to get done by 10:00 a.m. It's a good plan, it just needs some tweaking. I need to figure out what my morning routine needs to include and what it doesn't and get it all done by 10:00. That way the kids won't be too late in starting their routines because they wait to see if I make it every day, LoL.

I thought I'd share some quotes from Hank the Cowdog today so you might figure out why once we started reading Hank at night, we've abandoned the reading of serious literature. We're almost done with all of the Hank the Cowdog books, so we'll have to go back to real books soon. Anyways, here's a quote or two from old Hank.

"Drover, at last I got this thing worked out. Listen closely so that I don't have to repeat myself."
"I said, repeat this closely, so that I don't have to listen to myself".

and another one:
"What about all those penquins and mounties?"
"They were fignewtons of your imagination."

These 2 were from Hank The Cowdog #34, Slim's Goodbye by John R. Erickson.

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