Monday, January 08, 2007

No school today.

DH and I went to a meeting about foster care. We are looking into the possibility. It seems like all of our paperwork from our attempted China adoption will still work for this program. That's good. It's was very rewarding to just pull out a paper every time they asked for one and not have to write it down and remember to go get it done. So anyway, the kids got lucky and got a day off of school today. They got to go to grandmas house.


  1. Anonymous11:28 PM

    DH and I just finished our last foster parenting class tonight. It has been a great journey and it is pretty much a guarantee that we will get our license as they called last week wanting us to take twin 16 year old girls. Anyway you are right! There is tons and tons of paperwork, fingerprinting, background checks, classes to take, assessments in and out of the home. I felt like we had to give up our first born to care for foster kids...LOL I am glad we are aproaching the end of the journey only to start a new one. We are just excited and feel very blessed to be a part of giving children who may have no one else in their lives a good christian loving environment to grow up in and be nurtured and loved. Thanks be to God!

    Jeannie from Missouri

  2. Two of my cousins were raised with me, so I have always felt the desire to adopt. It pulls at my heartstrings from time to time...but we feel we might end up needing to take on my husbands 2 nephews at some point...I will pray for you to be of service in whatever why the Lord finds suitable.

  3. Love your blog! Hope the New Year finds you and yours with wonderful blessings!

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    make no sence
