Friday, January 12, 2007


I made it. I got my lines done this morning, plus my housework and exercise. I'm so happy. Of course the kids aren't sharing my joy, but that's okay. They are doing school today. We've been doing a very basic list of school activities ever since we finished our last KONOS unit in October and we are still doing that. No unit study. No theme. Just basic math, spelling, grammar, reading and science, a combination of workbooks and things I print out. I miss doing all the fun stuff. I'm going to try and get started back on the fun and interesting part of school next week. I'm going to try notebooking again and am trying to decide what to structure it around. For some reason, I just can't get excited about the KONOS units anymore. I think it is the amount of teacher prep that it requires. I might try one week on a unit study and one week off, to give me a break and just let them do the basics in between. That might work. Hmm. I'll think on that for a little while.


  1. I have all three volumes of Konos. I open them up, read a topic, close them, put them back on the shelf and do something else. It is a lot of work. We have never done a Konos unit start to finish, but we have used lots of their ideas.

    Maybe I should try to have a goal of doing one Konos unit this year. Any suggestions?

  2. Let's see, we enjoyed resourcefulness and obedience. What really stopped me in my tracks was the inquisitiveness unit. It was just too much work for me. I got a new curriculum book which I might combine with Konos and see how that works. I'll post about it if I try it and let you know.
