Thursday, January 11, 2007

First Failure.

Okay, I had my first failure with my "motivating mama" list today. I decided earlier in the week to try and add in part of my medical transcription work, giving me a deadline on that so that I wouldn't be working on that all day. The plan was to get minor housework, exercise and a major chunk of my workday out of the way before 11:00 a.m. The point is that I'm hoping to free up my afternoons to concentrate on homeschooling so we can get back to doing the fun stuff we were doing earlier this year. The exercise takes about 15 minutes. The housework etc. takes about 45 minutes (I cut this part down so I could get more transcription work in). So, if I got up at 7:00, I could get 3 hours of my workday out of the way before 11:00 a.m. That was the plan anyway. I forgot to set the alarm clock and the dog didn't go off at his usual 7:00 ish so I woke up gently, very well rested at 8:00. Whoops. Still, I tried very hard, hurried through my exercise routine, gave the housework a quick once-over and started typing. I'm paid by the line of typed text so I decided to set my goal in lines as well. I missed my goal by 5 measly lines. I was true to my agreement with the kids. If it is on my list and I don't get it done, they don't have to do any schoolwork. They still have to do the "life" parts of their lists including brushing their teeth, chores and exercise, but no school subjects. They are thoroughly enjoying my failure today, but I think they feel a little bit sorry for me too. That's okay. When I started doing this thing I knew there would be days when I didn't make it. Think how good I'm going to feel tomorrow when I get it all done. I'll let you all know how it goes.

(Can you tell I am enjoying playing with font sizes and colors on the new blogger?)


  1. Only 5 lines? I still think you did very well on your list!

  2. Yeah, 5 lines. Oh well. A promise is a promise. They got the day off.
