Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I never know what to put as a title on these blog posts and I'm not very creative with them so there you are. Notes. Here are my notes for today.

1. I'm taking the kids to the doctor to get a strep screening this morning. They've had it before, many times, and now I'm being treated for a strep infection so they are getting tested. That will take most of the morning. I don't know if we'll attempt school after that or not.

2. I really like the homeschool estore materials. You all should check it out. .

3. The homeschool carnival is up. Here it is.

4. This site has free printable books for young readers. They are cute and free.

I guess we are off to the doctor and then maybe to the library to get some books about the ocean.


  1. Strep? Oh dear... Sending hugs!

  2. :( Hope everyone gets to feeling better quickly!

    As to the Homeschool eStore, LOVE that site! I have gotten many units from them. I just posted about them on my blog the other day as well. :)
