Friday, January 19, 2007

I wish we could've just skipped this week ...

It hasn't been a very good week. I've been sick. I made an appointment to take the kids in to make sure they didn't have the strep too and the receptionist messed up and scheduled us on the wrong day, so we ended up having to make 2, 35 minute (1 way) trips to the pediatrician's office. We've barely got any school or work done. Last night I did something to my eye while taking my contact out and it hurts. We've all been kind of crabby and now, I think we might be finishing up this lovely week with the stomach flu. Youngest threw up last night before bed and the girl got up this morning feeling nauseated. Calgon anyone?


  1. If I thought Calgon would help, I'd send you a truck load! So sorry you all aren't feeling well!
    *Hugs-a-bunch*... from a distance!

  2. I hope you feel better soon! Hopefully next week will go better.
