Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Getting Started.

We've had different responses to the first day of school. I got up and did my routine this morning (yay me!). I have added to it so it took a while. My youngest popped out of bed around 5:00 this morning and immediately started doing school. I heard him doing laundry and that's how I knew he was up. I'm not sure why he was so enthusiastic this morning! Oldest son got up as usual, on his own and started reading. The girl, however, is not as easy. I guess that old thing about beauty sleep is true. She's beautiful and she seems to need more sleep than the average person. She's not up yet, at 10:07 as I am writing this. I stop every few words and nag her, but so far, no luck. She's crabby in the morning too, so I nag from a distance!

Anyway, so far so good this morning. Youngest is done with everything he can do on his own for school, oldest has gotten started and middle child is still in bed. My routine is done and I am getting started on work.
We'll see how the rest of it goes today.


  1. Ah yes, it is best not to get too close to girls when they want to sleep late in the mornings.

  2. It can be very dangerous!
