Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day 3 after the break.

I'm really surprised at how well this week has gone so far. Usually when we come back from a break, getting started on school is like pulling teeth but this time, the kids have been doing their work pretty well. Youngest son is getting progressively more and more behind in math as the week goes on, ( I think he's still on Tuesday's page!) but the other 2 are working well and getting things done in advance so they won't have much of a workload on Friday at all. That's the good thing about printing out a whole week's list of things to do. They can pace themselves anyway they want, within reason. Obviously, doing all the week's exercise on Monday probably would make them sore and stiff and wouldn't be a good idea, but my daughter did do the whole week's math on Monday. If it helps her feel better about the week, I'm all for it.

1 comment:

  1. A whole week of math in one day? AND it was her own idea? Hmm... Wonder what Pipsqueak would think of that?
