Friday, December 29, 2006

Role reversal.

The other day, youngest son had a headache and was trying to watch some TV. His Dad was in the mood to play with the toy plane, however. Youngest son asked Dad to quit flying the plane and be quiet, but Dad disobeyed and flew the plane again. It hit youngest son in the head (it doesn't hurt) and he turned around and gave his Dad a look that looked exactly like a parent would give a disobedient child. Dad's face took on the expression of a disobedient child who has been caught. It was a complete role reversal, just for a few seconds, but it was so hilarious.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    In my defense it did not hit him in the head but it did get close enough that it made him duck. The look he gave me was well worth it though.

  2. He is learning "the look" early! :o)

    Happy New Year!
