Thursday, December 28, 2006

Missing the Routine?!

This is weird and I can't believe it, but I miss our routine. I haven't been doing my morning list because the kids are off from school this week and the tempation to take this week off is too great, but at the same time, I miss it. I miss having everything done early in the day and exercising. It's crazy that I don't just do it today anyway, but there is something about the fact that I don't have to, that makes me resist doing it. I looked up when I started my morning routine and it was November 12, so I successfully did it for 6 weeks before Christmas break. I am very proud of that. I can see that my upper arms are becoming more toned from exercising with weights. I think the fact that I have tied my routine to my kids school routine will help us get started as soon as January gets here because I want to get started again. Why don't I just start today? I don't know. I told you it was weird.

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