Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Not an ordinary day after all.

When I typed that last night, I had forgotten that our homeschool group had agreed to pick up trash on the side of the highway today. So at 2:00 today, oldest son and I headed out to do that. We had a particularly bad stretch of highway, I thought, very steep and uneven, with briars and stickers and we had to climb over a guardrail and slide down the hillside and lean against a fence to even pick up the trash. If the fence hadn't been there, we wouldn't have been able to stand upright on part of it, it was so steep. It was not something this old body is used to and I am sore and tired tonight.

Hopefully, they'll do a different fundraiser next year. Anyone want to buy magazines, candles or World's Finest Chocolate? Just kidding.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    And the World's Finest Chocolate...
    Brown cows
    And PopTarts
    And coats with a pocket...
    These are a few of my favorite things...
    (Sorry... Rosie is into the Sound of Music right now! *LOL*)

    You guys did a really good thing! :o)
