Monday, November 27, 2006

Field Trip.

Today was our field trip with the homeschool group we're in. We went to the Coca Cola history museum, saw a play about a pioneer Christmas and went to an assisted living center and sang some songs and gave out some treats. It was okay. I guess it's good for the kids to get together with their little friends, but I must confess to not being that interested in the museum (having visited it once before) and a tiny bit bored during the play. Going to the assisted living center was probably my favorite part of the day. I guess I was just kind of tired and kind of wishing to be home.

I'm actually glad for the holiday to be over and want to stay home tomorrow and do school and work. A normal day will actually be nice for a change.


  1. I've always wanted to go there! I have a coca cola kitchen.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Sorry about the boredom part! *Grin*

    Which assisted living center did you visit? Bennie's sister is in one in Hazard.

    A normal day would definitely be nice! *Nodding*

  3. Come on over to Elizabethtown. That's where the Coke museum and the assisted living center are, but if you all come over, let me know and we'll do lunch.
