Sunday, November 05, 2006

Home Alone.

Youngest son and I are home alone today. Of necessity, I'm working, so I told him that he can do whatever he wants (within reason) and watch what he wants on TV without having to negotiate with anybody. He thought that was cool, just like the movie Home Alone. (He is 8 years old like Kevin.) He then commented thoughtfully that if he was left home alone for a week, he'd eat junk food and have every light in the house on, but he wouldn't watch junk on TV. Now he's watching Home Alone by himself in the living room and he just came running in to report that he has now moved into Christmas mode. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think he's working on his Christmas list now.


  1. "Christmas Mode"
    LOL sounds like a setting on an electronic game! Wish it was so we could flip it on and off!

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I think Rosie is always in "Christmas mode!" *LOL*

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    LOL! It does sounds like something from a game! I think I'm getting into Christmas mode, I can't wait to start decorating.
