Tuesday, November 07, 2006

50 Days of School.

I finally updated my attendance records today and we've got 50 days of school in so far this year. Only 130 to go. To the kids, it seems like a lot but to me ... well, I wish I only had 130 more days of work and then could take an extended 2 month break. I haven't had a break from work more than 3 days long since giving birth to my youngest 8 years ago. Even after having surgery, I was back to work in 3 days. Whoops, sorry, kind of whiny this morning, aren't I? I really don't mind my job that much, I guess and speaking of work ... I guess I'd better go back to it.


  1. Whine away... you're entitled! We all listen to enough that we should have a turn! We have great teachers!

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    55 and counting! *Grin*

  3. Since we homeschool all year long, we usually come out way ahead on school days in the end anyway.

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    We're at 50-something days.
    Wow, you work alot! I don't think you were being whiny, just tired.

  5. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments, It's nice to feel listened to, even when I whine!

  6. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Just curious....Florida doesn't make us count our days. At least I have never had to show anything. When you are keeping attendance records, do you only mark the day if you do all subjects, or do you mark it even if you do only one subject.
    I am thinking I will start to do this, but dd has days she only does one thing!!
    Thanks for your input. I think you are doing a great job and I love reading your blog and all the wonderful tips, information you give us all.
    I also am looking into 9th grade for next year. Will let you know what I find. I know she is over doing courses online except Language Arts. She loves that one on line.

  7. Can you tell me the name of the language arts online that you do?
