Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Yesterday and Today.

Yesterday I couldn't get into blogger to post for some reason so today I just have all kinds of things to write about. I kept thinking of things yesterday and couldn't put any of them into writing and now the moment is kind of gone, but I'll still give it a try.

Bread - About 6 months or so ago, we decided to switch our family to whole grain bread because it is healthier. The younger 2 kids just couldn't stand it for a while, then they started eating it, but when I accidently picked up white bread about 2 months ago, they were so excited and ate it happily. Then this week I picked up a loaf of white bread to make sandwiches for a picnic, there were 1 or 2 slices left in the bag when I was done and yesterday my daughter referred to it as that 'yucky white bread'. Now she prefers the wheat bread. Weird how that works, isn't it? I remember when I made my husband switch to skim milk. Every few weeks I'd buy a lesser percent, 2% then 1%, then skim. One day he looked sadly at his cereal bowl and said "There's less milk in my milk every week." Funny how we adjust and even prefer the healthier choice after a while. We've also switched to whole wheat tortillas and spaghetti.

Bank of Dad - My husband has started a 'virtual' account for the kids allowances and birthday money to go into. Then when they are out with me, if they see something they want to spend their money on, I'll buy it and the money comes out of their virtual account. This has lead to some funny looks we've gotten in stores from people who hear the kids ask "How much money do I have in my virtual account?" We also have been teaching them to write checks although we haven't been making them write one for every withdrawal, I think we might start. It'll be good practice.

Questions - The night before last, I was pretty much asleep in my bed when my youngest son appeared beside my bed and said "What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island with a cup, a bowl and a roll of Glad Press and Seal wrap?" Huh? Appparently he's been watching Zoom on PBS again. They did an experiment having to do with getting drinking water using plastic wrap and collecting condensation or something like that. I'm not sure what the bowl is for. I think he came up with the Glad Press and Seal wrap part on his own. Apparently, he thinks that will work better. Still, when I was sleeping peacefully and then awakened suddenly, this seemed like kind of a weird question. Maybe it's just me?


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Not weird for a homeschool kid. *Grin*

  2. I understand your blogger frustration. When that happens to me, I just write with MS Word or Notepad and save it, then copy it to Blogger later. Like you say, sometimes the thoughts won't wait :o)

    To Love, Honor and Dismay
