Thursday, September 21, 2006


Things seem to be getting in somewhat of a routine around here lately. The basics are going reasonably well; much better than last year. I think the kids are making progress in what they are learning. I can see that my youngest is reading better every day and feeling more confident. We're not doing as much in the Konos book as we were when we were doing the Kings and Queens unit and I guess I need to work on that a bit, if we are going to get this big old unit done this year.

We started a Spanish class on Tuesday. We missed what we thought was the first class meeting the day we took my daughter to get her cast on, but it turns out that it was the second meeting, so we showed up thinking we'd be a little bit behind at the second class and it was the third class and we were way, way behind. I'm not sure if we can study enough to catch up or not! We'll definitely take a look at the vocabulary list today. This is a really good opportunity, too good, I think, for us to drop out. It's a free Spanish class taught by a high school Spanish teacher. Hmmm. We'd better study.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    What a wonderful opportunity! Good luck with the classes, and have fun!
