Monday, September 25, 2006

The Lesson of the Day.

We don't always do school on Monday. It's my day off from work and sometimes it is the only day I get for a while. I worked yesterday, I'm off today (mostly) and I have to work tomorrow. Until next Sunday, that's it. So a lot of times on Monday we don't do school because we have so much other stuff to do. (As I've mentioned before, I calculated the schedule with and without Mondays and either way, we finish in June, so I'm not too concerned about it.)

Today I had to talk to the tech support guy at work off and on for several hours because something was wrong with my computer and he had to fix it. I had to stay in my office/bedroom to answer the phone and follow the instructions he gave me, so I assigned the kids a couple of chores to do while I was stuck in here.

They had to gather the library books (23!) and clean the living room. They are almost done now. They're taking a little longer because my daughter decided that the boys did not do a good job vacuuming and gave them both a vacuuming lesson. It was fun to listen to. According to the latest report, oldest son got an A- and youngest son got an A. Unfortunately, they'll both "forget" next time the vacuuming needs to be done and need to be shown again. Boys.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM


  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Can she come give my boys lessons? ;)

  3. No school on Mondays / done by it's a "wash." Which makes me wonder...if they can vacuum, can they do your laundry too?

  4. Yes, they definitely do laundry!
